New moon in Cancer 2024

Hello Beautiful Souls,

Here we are, halfway through the year already and coming into the Cancer new moon (it’s on Saturday morning). The new moon is a time for renewal and manifestation, but first comes the dark moon, the time for shedding what we no longer need.

This month has felt heavy. I’ve been feeling it, like a weight that I’m dragging around and everything feels like too much effort. I’m feeling an overwhelming desire to hunker down and hibernate through the winter, to spend the next few weeks cuddled up in bed with my little cat 🙂

Well it’s that time of the year after all, and the cold, wet weather isn’t helping. The Cancer moon energy is all about comfort, self care and being maternal. While the space for hibernation may not be available, we can take the time to be a nurturing mother to ourselves.

I’m sharing the following meditation practice that you might like to try to release and open for renewal this new moon.

Over the next day, as we sit in the energy of the dark moon, I invite you to take some time to sit and allow yourself to be held with the care and compassion of the Mother. Let the comings and goings of the past month be present. Notice any emotions or feelings that may arise and ask “What is no longer needed? What can I release to allow myself to move forward?”

When you have an answer write it down. If there are no words it’s OK to just acknowledge the feeling. You are going to give these words, this feeling to the dark moon. Allow the moon, the Mother, to take this burden. If you have sound instruments or are comfortable using your voice, you could take some time to play or tone/sing/chant. I like to play the medicine drum and tone, just allowing my voice to make its own sounds.

You can do this for as long as you like, starting with just five minutes or more if you feel called to do so. When you are done allow space to be in silent awareness, noticing any feelings or sensations in your body. You may like to burn/bury/tear up the paper that you wrote what you are letting go as a symbol of release.

It is now time to ask “what new beginnings am I receiving from this new moon?” Let yourself be in the energy of what you would like to manifest in the coming month. You may like to write this down too, or just hold it in your heart. If you are called to, you can tone/sing/chant or play again to welcome the new moon energy and manifestation in.

Finish the practice in a way that feels right for you. This may be chanting OM a few times, sitting in silence and thanking the mother energy of the moon and/or our great mother earth, and yourself.

Whatever you choose to do this dark/new moon I wish you a space of peace and loving kindness for yourself and all beings.

Much love and blessings